Sun 29 Jul 2018
Two quarries off lanes near Bordeaux used by walkers and cyclists are being eyed by the States as possible sites for disposing of inert waste construction and demolition material. They are L’Epine Quarry, which is owned by Guernsey Water and is currently used as a reservoir, while Guillotin Quarry is privately owned and also water-filled.
The announcement last week by States Trading Assets is in addition to an investigation into reclaiming land to the south of Longue Hougue.
‘Trading Assets has already carried out preliminary hydrographic surveys on both quarries, to determine their depth and contours, and therefore the likely capacity,' it said.
‘The [environmental impact assessment] will now look at various potential environmental impacts if they were to be infilled, including flora and fauna, traffic, air quality, noise and vibration.
‘It is expected that the two sites in combination could provide capacity for around three years of filling. Although it is not considered a long-term solution, they could provide part of one. Because both quarries are outside the main centre, there would be limited potential to develop any land created by infilling them.’
Habitat loss
An earlier study by the States said of Guillotine Quarry: 'Impact – Loss of fresh water habitat, important for migrating ducks. Adjacent to former Bordeaux Landfill Site with potential leachate migration. Potential to extend the amenity value of Bordeaux tip and the surrounding area.'
L'Epine Quarry was previously considered together with Paradis Quarry and a more detailed comment by Royal Haskoning at the time said: 'Site preparation required to join the two quarries. A road runs between them, this would need to be considered in the solution (potential to reinstate once filling was completed). Currently both filled with water. Access issues – would need one way system.
Of Guillotine Quarry, Royal Haskoning said: 'Access into site is good, assuming access via field adjoining the main coast road. Noted Tufted Duck habitat – loss of established ecosystem... would require mitigation measures.'
The operational life of Guillotine was put at 1.8 years and that of L'Epine at 3.3 years if filled in tandem with Paradis. More information is available here. Pictured below is the location of the two quarries and the image the Guernsey Press used to illustrate its online report of the proposals.