
Deadline looming for hedges and streams to be cut and cleaned

Wed 18 Sep 2024

Property owners are reminded that the deadline for ensuring that hedges and streams are cut and cleaned is approaching and that inspections will start immediately after 30 September. By law, there is no period of grace.

The twice-yearly requirement to ensure hedges are properly cut back to as not to obstruct public thoroughfares and douits are able to flow properly is particularly important this year because of all the rain and growth of vegetation.

By law, hedges and trees bordering a public road must be cut back between 15th and 30th of September each year so that they do not overhang the thoroughfare up to a height of 12 ft from the road (where the road is ordinarily used by vehicular traffic) or 8 ft from the road (where the road is not ordinarily used by vehicular traffic). By law, all cuttings must be cleared immediately. It is the responsibility of the land owner to keep all hedges and trees trimmed and under control throughout the year, not just at inspection time.

The Constables and the Douzaine check the hedges and report on their state to the Parish Office, which will contact the land owner if necessary.

Good neighbour
This is to comply with the Cutting of Hedges Ordinances and the Parochial Administration Ordinance 2017, under which the Constables and Douzaine have to give notice to the owners of land bordering public roads that they are required to cut and trim the hedges as directed above.

Failure to comply with the legislation will incur a civil penalty of £50 plus an additional fine of £5 per day in which the failure continues.

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