
Better Transport Plan for the North unveiled – how to have your say

Tue 21 May 2024

With up to 1,000 new homes being planned for the north of the island, a Better Transport Plan has been launched today to try to improve road use and ease congestion – and Vale parishioners have been asked to express their views on it.

Eight main sites, pictured above, have been earmarked for new housing, along with additional retail, leisure and commercial development, and the authorities have acknowledged that the existing transport infrastructure is already struggling to cope.

As Environment and Infrastructure says in its release unveiling the new plan, "...there are very reasonable concerns for current residents in the north about the additional pressure increased housing will have on the area's road infrastructure, which is already under strain."

Its solution is the Better Transport Plan, which it says will pave the way for a wider and better range of transport choices, so that people living and working in the area have more options for the different kinds of journeys they may want to make at different times - whether that is by car, bus, bike or foot.

One outcome promised is a coherent network of linked walking and cycling routes through, within and around development sites to make travelling by foot and by bike easier, safer, and more convenient.

"Another outcome will be the better provision of public transport, plus more innovative options such as car clubs as well. Infrastructure improvements will make driving better too. These measures will be variously delivered by the States, landowners and developers, and private providers as appropriate."

Much more information on the proposals is available here and details of how to comment are provided below. In essence, however, what's proposed is:

  • new footpaths
  • new bike paths
  • an extension to a one-way system with a cycling contraflow
  • better bus routes and schedules
  • more bus shelters
  • Ruettes des Habitants (streets for access to properties only)
  • junction improvements
  • targeted road widening to provide pedestrian infrastructure
  • improved signage
  • cars, bikes, and other vehicles that neighbours can share (e.g. car clubs)
  • a travel app 


    If you would like more information or wish to comment on the Better Transport Plan, you can email [email protected], or write to Better Transport Plan, Traffic and Highway Services, Edward T Wheadon House, Le Truchot, St Peter Port, GY1 3WH. Please submit comments by 30th June 2024.




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