
Comments invited on road closure request

Wed 01 Apr 2020

Two developments with a potential impact on the Vale have been highlighted by Senior Constable Richard Leale. The first is a request to close a road off the Bridge and the second is an appeal that has been lodged against a Planning decision to refuse building at the so-called 'Triangle Field' opposite Alliance.

The road is La Hougue Jehannet, which runs behind the power station and links North Side to Summerfield Road, and which Guernsey Electricity (GEL) is seeking to close permanently – including to pedestrians – on security grounds.

It has already been closed on a temporary basis, although GEL says it has no concerns for the safety of local residents and the measure is not in response to any recognised risks to the public.

By law, the Constables and Douzaine have to be asked for their permission to close a road in the parish and Mr Leale was therefore inviting parishioners for their views on the possibility of closure. 

GEL commissioned an independent security evaluation on any risks posed by a public road running through its estate and this subsequently recommended restricting access through a road closure.

"The Douzaine would like better to understand the advice GEL has had, the risk profile posed by maintaining Hougue Jehannet as an open thoroughfare and any closure mitigation plans the utility has," said Mr Leale. "In particular, the road is used as a diversion when Vale Avenue is closed and we need to know how that has been taken into account."

Douzeniers also wanted to know whether the road would be maintained as such, so it could be reopened in case of need, or treated as industrial land and incorporated into the power station estate, in which case it would have significant value.

"We're open-minded at this stage," said Mr Leale, "but it's fair to say there are some questions that need resolving before support for closure will be unanimous."

Triangle Field appeal
He also drew parishioners' attention to the appeal lodged by developers Hillstone to build six new homes at the field, La Pointe, opposite Braye Road Industrial Estate, which Planners rejected in order to protect trees on the site.

"This has been a controversial development application from the start," said Mr Leale, "and if people have views about the appeal – whether they support it or otherwise – they need to let the planning authority know."

  • The Guernsey Press has reported that the appeal will go to a public hearing but no date for that has yet been set.
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