
Vale Douzaine is critical of traffic and development proposals for the North

Thu 01 Aug 2024

A Better Transport Plan released by the States to try to mitigate the effect of so many new houses planned for the north of the island has been criticised by the Vale Douzaine, which has also commented on proposed changes to the Island Development Plan.

In a formal response to Traffic and Highway Services as part of its consultation process, the Douzaine raised a number of concerns after the issue was discussed by members at its meeting on Monday.

It was felt that too much emphasis has been placed on making improvements for cyclists to the detriment of those who for many reasons rely on a car to get about. "A number of these route changes are being forced on to parishioners due to the over development of the north of the island, which then forces them to all travel southwards for employment," the Douzaine said.

Proposed Ruette des Habitants (streets for access to properties only) did not sit well with douzeniers because these were public thoroughfares and should not be denied to people who did not live there.

"The Douzaine appreciates that people are entitled to peace and quiet, but not at the expense of those who live on other streets. Creating these Ruette des Habitants is artificially increasing the value of those properties and decreasing the value of those on more major routes. How can this be fair and equitable to all?" the Douzaine asked in its letter of comment.

The need for these changes could well be levelled at poor planning in the past with no overall view taken of the infrastructure needed to sustain such development.

Island Development Plan
The Douzaine responded to the Development and Planning Authority in its call for comment on proposed changes to the Island Development Plan as follows: 

"Your department has confirmed that the total housing space available (utilising low-density housing) is 2,000 units – sufficient for all types of housing without additional sites. Therefore, there is no 'demonstrable need to add six additional affordable housing sites'," although the inclusion of more areas of biodiversity was to be welcomed.

As to be expected, the Douzaine would much prefer to see the upper parishes taking more of a burden in providing housing sites. That view would be supported by looking at the density of housing in all of the parishes and members felt it was immediately obvious that St Peter Port, St Sampson's and the Vale were taking the bulk of all island house building, straining the already overloaded infrastructure in those parishes.

  • Details of the IDP review can be found here.
  • The Better Transport Plan for the north of the island – 'More Homes, more Choice, more Freedom' – can be accessed here

  • An A-Z list of the transport changes is available in the downloads section below 
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