
Douzaine survey highlights views about the Bridge

Tue 04 Mar 2025

Recently several Douzeniers have been on the Bridge talking to fellow islanders about the area and potential future plans for it.

Why we like the Bridge – users say what makes it special

As part of this initiative they undertook a brief survey and are now sharing the highlights from it with parishioners.

Overall, the distinct impression given was that the Bridge was looking tired and needed sympathetic rejuvenation – not large scale development. There was overwhelming support for improved leisure and hospitality facilities but no majority support for more housing.

Ollie Goddard, who conducted the survey with Douzaine colleagues Olly Brock, Anne Setters, André Quevâtre and Victoria Robinson, said: "Thank you to all the islanders for stopping to talk to us on those chilly days and we look forward to engaging with you in the future."

The survey was in part undertaken because of proposals from the Guernsey Development Agency for significant redevelopment of the Bridge area, including hundreds of new homes and apartments, although few spoken to were aware of the GDA's proposals.

This is what the survey showed:





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