
E&G development - have your say

Wed 16 Jan 2019

Vale parishioners have been invited to comment on a new planning framework that could see the English and Guernsey Arms site redeveloped in a range of different ways, including a multi-storey building.

Public consultation on the possibilities runs until 5pm on Monday 11th February and the document setting out the options can be found here.

Although on South Side and in St Sampson's, the site and the former 19th century house there (pictured), are  prominent Bridge landmarks and residential or commercial development could affect the Vale.

Senior Constable Richard Leale said: 'While this is in a neighbouring parish and not something we'd necessarily comment on directly, the proximity and prominence of the site on the Bridge means Vale parishioners may well have views on what the draft framework considers could be built there.

'For that reason, we're drawing attention to the Development and Planning Authority's consultation process and the potential uses the site could be put to.'

Framework purpose
The purpose of a Development Framework is to provide an interpretation of policy principles in the Island Development Plan (IDP) which identifies the constraints and opportunities presented by a particular site or area and the type of development expected and encouraged by the Authority.

IDP policies allow for a range of potential uses of the site because it is considered to be in retail or convenience retail. Other possible uses include: housing (social or community) where no existing sites in the Main Centre are available; offices; industry, which would be restricted to creative industries or light industrial use only given the proximity to dwellings; storage; visitor accommodation; and/or leisure and recreation.

The DPA's 'strong preference' is for the original E&G building (pictured) to be reused but scope does exist for it to be demolished. The two trees there, an oak and sweet chestnut, are both protected.


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