Mon 06 Apr 2020
Vale's Senior Constable Richard Leale explained that by law, a meeting of all island parishes has to be held to approve the agenda and in turn authorise the Constables to apply to the Royal Court for a remède to raise the sums needed to run the parish and collect household refuse.
Under the new temporary regulations, approving the remède has been delegated to the douzaine after seeking comment from parishioners.
Mr Leale said that accordingly he was inviting any comments that people might have to be submitted in writing, preferably by email, no later than the end of April. These should be sent to The Constables, Maraitaine Road, Vale, Guernsey, GY3 5QE, or to [email protected].
The agenda, below, sets out proposed expenditure of more than £560,000 for the year, which includes £325,000 needed to pay for household refuse collection and disposal plus £230,000 for parochial administration, including a £63,000 contribution towards the parochial cemetery.
The accounts also need approving, and these are available here.
In summary, the new emergency regulations permit:
1. Parish Public meetings not to be held;
2. For the Constables and Douzaines to agree the remède and other matters (and, for ecclesiastical matters only, in consultation with the Rector and Churchwardens).
3. Instead of a Public Meeting for a Gazette Notice to be published providing certain details (including giving ratepayers the opportunity to comment on the proposed Remede)
4. Provisions for the application to the Royal Court;
5. Vacant posts to be filled if necessary;
6. The Constables / Douzaine meetings to be held remotely.