Sat 08 Mar 2025
In all, more than 80 islanders managed to make the perilous escape by small craft during the course of the Occupation and it is these brave souls who will be commemorated by the Vale for the Liberation Day celebrations. The intention is to list all their names on the sails on the parish float.
A fishing boat has been secured for the day and douzeniers will be working on it over the weeks ahead to make it into something the Vale can be proud of – but help is needed.
Senior Constable Richard Leale is asking for the use of a shed or other suitable building in which the boat can be stored and worked on while preparations are made, plus a trailer on which to build the float.
"We'd be really grateful if someone in the parish, or close to it, could lend us something appropriate for a few weeks while we prepare for this important anniversary celebration," he said.
It would need wide access doors and enough headroom for the trailer and boat and enable douzeniers to access it out of normal working hours.
The trailer they are also hoping to borrow needs to be capable of carrying a 20-24ft wooden boat and of being towed on island roads with the boat on it.
"If anyone does have what we need we'd be really pleased to hear from them," said Mr Leale.
Please contact the office directly by phone on 01481 244155 between Monday - Friday 10.00 - 13.00 or email if you can help.
Ideally, the shed and trailer will be needed from mid- to late March until May 9th.