
Leale's Yard planning framework released

Mon 17 Feb 2020

Details of two potential developments that will be of interest to Vale parishioners have been published. The most far-reaching is the release of a draft development framework for Leale's Yard off the Bridge. The second is a formal application for 11 new homes at the green field site in Tertre Lane known as Camp Dolent.

Details of the Leale's Yard framework can be found here and Planners have provided a six-week period for consultation and are inviting comments on this draft document between Monday 17th February and 5pm Friday 27th March.

The document will also be on display for the full 6 weeks at the former Smilers retail unit on Southside, The Bridge, or a copy can be viewed at Planning Service's reception, Sir Charles Frossard House, Monday to Friday between normal working hours.

An opportunity for parishioners to discuss their thoughts on the Development Framework with the project team will be provided at a public drop-in session to be held at the Salvation Army Community Centre & Cafe on Nocq Road on Saturday 29th February 2020 between 10am and 3pm.

Initial media reports say the preferred option for Leale's Yard is a residentially-led development, with a civic square, green public space, tree lined streets, a community and wellness hub, new shops, restaurants and cafes. Most of the Bridge car parking would be removed, with a multi-storey park created behind the existing shops. In all, around 190 new homes are envisaged.

Camp Dolent
Formal plans have been submitted to Planning for 11 new homes and 22 parking spaces at Camp Dolent. Because of planning rules and the size of the development, none of the properties need to be classed as affordable.


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