
Plans for parish Liberation Day progressing well

Sun 30 Jan 2022

The Vale is responding positively to a call by the States to put the focus on this year's Liberation Day celebrations on the parishes, the Vale Douzaine has confirmed.

A variety of plans are being worked on for May 9 and a special sub-group of the douzaine is also proposing a larger event to celebrate the Jubilee in conjunction with St Sampson's later in the summer.

More details will be announced in due course as a number of aspects of the plans need to be ironed out before they can be finalised.

However, given the interest in both Liberation Day and the Jubilee celebrations, the douzaine believed confirming early that there would be parish events would help parishioners plan and give them something to look forward.

"Both these events are in the planning stages and further details will be released in due course," said the douzenier chairing the sub-group.

Education, Sport and Culture, which has government responsibility for the Liberation Day and Jubilee celebrations, has confirmed that the island-wide cavalcade (pictured above) will be back but the focus is on parish events and grants will be available to help the parishes to become the main focus rather than giving money to commercial events. 

  • The Vale Douzaine meets on Monday when further updates are expected, including on funding. More information will be released as soon as possible. 
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