
Nominations invited for parish roles

Fri 14 Oct 2022

Official notices have now been published inviting parishioners to submit nominations for a number of parochial roles, an annual event under the island's 1948 Reform Laws.

 The elections, to be held early next month, are an important part of parish democracy and island administration, which is why all 10 parishes hold them on the same night.

The Vale is looking to elect at least one new douzenier, three individuals seeking to continue serving on school committees, and two new members of the Cemetery Committee.

This grass-roots involvement is an essential part of the function of the douzaines and helps to ensure that the Vale runs smoothly at a district level.

The official notice, pictured, gives the details of the posts and one douzenier, Paula Robinson has indicated that she does not seek re-election. Three serving members, Wilson Le Page, Paul van der Tang and Nigel Leale, are seeking re-election.

Two long-serving members of the Parochial Cemetery Committee, Ken Carre and Brian de Jersey, are standing down and need to be replaced.

Another important part of the parish meeting will be electing auditors for the Constables' Accounts and any other business, when the meeting can be instructed to take "all such measures as the Electors and Ratepayers may deem advisable".

  • The meeting will be held on Wednesday November 2 at the Vale Douzaine Room and starts at 7.30pm. 
  • Nomination forms for the various posts can be obtained from the Constables' Office in office hours and must be submitted no later than 4pm on Monday 24 October.
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