
Vale parishioners invited to special planning briefing

Sat 08 Feb 2025

Vale parishioners have been invited to a special presentation on the proposed revisions to the Island Development Plan, followed by a session to answer any questions they may have.

This follows publication of the IDP earlier this week with proposed amendments to make use of brownfield sites, including States-owned sites, and redundant glasshouses for housing.

These fresh proposals have been published after listening to feedback from islanders and the Vale Douzaine and carrying out further research and consultation.

The presentation on the revisions will be held at the Vale Douzaine Room on Wednesday 26th February at 7pm for a presentation followed by a Q and A session with staff from the Development & Planning Authority (DPA).

The Vale Douzaine and Constables have yet to comment on the revised proposals, which were published on Tuesday. Details about the proposals from the DPA can be found here but have limited impact on the North of the island.

However, the DPA says that having received further information from the Policy & Resources Committee about the intended uses of States-owned sites, rather than the previous proposal to use 40% of the proposed Saltpans Mixed-Use Development Area for industry, storage and distribution, the DPA is proposing to re-designate all undeveloped land within the existing Saltpans Key Industrial Area as a Mixed-Use Development Area to help meet the required land supply for housing.

Instead, to make sure there is sufficient land for offices, industry, storage and distribution for the next five years and the longer term, the DPA is proposing to re-designate Belgrave Vinery Housing Allocation from housing to a Key Industrial Area and Key Industrial Expansion Area.

It also proposes releasing the former Fletcher's Freesias greenhouse site [pictured above] opposite L'Islet M&S in Route Carre, St Sampson's, for affordable housing.

Based on the latest housing need indicators, says the DPA, there is enough land allocated to meet the predicted need for private market housing for the next six years. However, to ensure there is sufficient land supply for Affordable Housing, the DPA is proposing to allocate eight new sites for Affordable Housing.

Eight sites
Of the eight sites, which replace the previous six sites proposed in June 2024, three are in a proposed new Local Centre at Vazon, with one in the Main Centre of St Peter Port and one in each of the Local Centres at St Martin's, Forest, St Pierre du Bois and L'Islet.

DPA president Deputy Victoria Oliver, said, "This provides a more even spread of housing allocations across the island while still complying with the States-agreed approach of allocating new housing within or adjacent to Main and Local Centres."

The new Local Centre at Vazon was selected due to it already having the existing facilities needed to be considered a Local Centre including a convenience store, restaurant, café, pre-school and place of worship, and due to its potential for development and sustainable community growth.

Vale Senior Constable Richard Leale invited as many Vale parishioners as possible to attend the presentation. "Although the revised proposals have a limited direct effect on the Vale, they are important on an island-wide basis and this session means everyone will have a better inderstanding of what the Planners intend and what the effects of that might be," he said. 

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