
Planners clear way for 150 new homes in Saltpans area

Wed 06 May 2020

A process for more than 150 new homes to be built in the Saltpans area has been cleared by Guernsey's Planners. The Development & Planning Authority (DPA) has approved a Development Framework paving the way for a planning application so that works can begin on the site "as soon as possible".

The framework, which was opposed by many in the Vale and neighbouring parish of St Sampson's, attracted seven comments during the consultation, including from the Parish Constables, which the DPA says have been taken into account.

As a result, it says, "the site boundary was extended to include the Important Open Land to the west. The purpose of including [this] within the site boundary was to facilitate the restoration and enhancement of this parcel of land for public access, in conjunction with the residential development of the remainder of the site."

The land itself cannot be developed for residential purposes. In addition, the Traffic Impact Assessment was reviewed to include a more thorough assessment of the cumulative impact of committed developments in the area.

The framework envisages from 84-154 dwellings on the 17-vergee site. 

"This density range reflects the need for further assessments to be undertaken including a baseline ecological/biodiversity study, details of the Surface Water Management Plan and measures to be incorporated to manage the potential flood risk, all of which could affect the area of developable land and the design of the development but will form part of the planning application," say the Planners.

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