Fri 07 Dec 2018
Proposals to reject a residential development along Braye Road have been welcomed by the Vale's Senior Constable.
Hillstone Guernsey Ltd wanted to build two flats and three dwellings and alter access on a former vinery opposite Braye Road Garage but this was turned down by the States Development & Planning Authority as amounting to overdevelopment of the site.
Richard Leale said: 'Having had a chance to study the full reasons behind the rejection, I'm pleased to say that common sense has prevailed amongst the Planners.'
In the formal notice, DP&A said: '...the proposal amounts to the overdevelopment of the site and it is recommended that the application is refused. The overall design, form and layout of the development results in an incoherent mix of components which does not respect the character of the local built environment or achieve a good standard of architectural design.'
It went on:
'The proposed dwellings include small and very poor quality outdoor space, limited outlook, the privacy of unit 1 would be significantly affected by the communal amenity space, there would be limited direct sunlight for units 1 and 2 and it has not been demonstrated that the accommodation is flexible, adaptable and accessible. The proposal would provide an unacceptably poor quality of residential environment for future occupiers of new build dwellings in this location.'
Mr Leale said that given the concerns in the parish and neighbouring St Sampson's over building in the Bridge area, the reasons for turning down the Hillstone's application would be seen as sensible by many in the area.
'What we don't know of course is whether the developer will resubmit revised plans for the site.'
Hillstone Developments has six months in which to lodge an appeal should it choose to do so. The Planners said additionally that the plans did not achieve a good standard of architectural design.