
Revised rates agenda issued in response to virus crisis

Sat 25 Apr 2020

A revised Remède has been issued by the Rector and Churchwardens of the Vale in response to the financial difficulties being caused by the coronavirus pandemic and seeks to reduce the amount of money needed by them this year by around 25%.

It has been issued in response to the severe hardship being experienced by some Vale ratepayers as a result of the lockdown affecting businesses and commercial activity during the Covid-19 pandemic. The reductions have been achieved by deferring for one year some of the less urgent work which is still deemed necessary to maintain the church in good condition.

Any parishioner who wants to comment or make representations about the revised proposals have a week in which to do so from today, the date the notice appears in La Gazette Officielle in the Guernsey Press.

These need to be in writing by post to the Vale Douzaine Room, Maraitaine Road, Vale GY3 5QE, or by email to [email protected]

Further savings
The comments will be considered by the Constables and Douzaine, in consultation with the Rector and Churchwardens, when deciding the level of the 2020 Remède to apply to the Royal Court for permission to raise.

A revised Remède (available here) was published earlier this month by the Constables, again in response to the hardship being caused by the current crisis.

The agendas will be considered by the Douzaine at a virtual meeting on Monday May 4 when any possible further savings will also be considered.






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