
'Triangle Field' planning application rejected again

Sat 07 Mar 2020

A further attempt to build at La Pointe, the area better known as the 'Triangle Field' opposite Alliance, has been rejected again by planners. 

Developer Hillstone Guernsey Ltd, which paid £420,000 for the site, wanted to build six properties there in a revised application but this has now been turned down.

News of the rejection came after a parishioner who had objected received a formal letter from Planners. The reason, given on the States website, is because of the need to preserve the trees there.

"The proposed development is clearly contrary to both the general purposes and specific provisions of the law,"  say the reasons for turning down the proposal.

Permitting the development would have lead to the loss of a substantial number and proportion of the existing north and south boundary trees that are protected under an Area Tree Protection Order, said the Development and Planning Authority.

In turn, that would have had "a consequently significant and wholly unacceptable impact on landscape character and local distinctiveness".

The parishioner who objected to the building proposals described the outcome as "a great result".

The Vale Douzaine earlier supported the imposition of a tree preservation order on the property and had objected to the earlier development application.

  • Hillstone can appeal the decision if it chooses. If so, the DPA advises that fresh representations of objection would be required because it cannot take into account previous comments.
  • The notice of refusal can be found here.
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