
Triangle Field's importance recognised by planning inspector

Thu 21 Jan 2021

An independent planning inspector has recognised the visual importance of the Vale's "triangle field" opposite Alliance in rejecting an appeal to build six houses there.


Stuart Fell, presiding member of the Planning Tribunal, said the proposed development "would lead to the loss of all of the existing trees and the existing stone boundary wall on the Les Mares Pellées frontage of the application site with a consequent unacceptable impact on the landscape character and local distinctiveness of the immediate locality."

The rejected application was to erect six houses, demolish the northwest boundary wall and construct a footpath and bus stop.

Field owner Simon Holland of Hillstone Guernsey Ltd, has had several setbacks in his plans to develop the field and a further attempt, to build two properties, is with the planning authority.

The tribunal's comments reinforce the original decision by Guernsey's Planners not to allow the building because the 44 trees on the property are protected and losing a large number of them would have "a consequently significant and wholly unacceptable impact on landscape character and local distinctiveness".

Trees important
The judgement also stated that the trees had been deliberately planted over a period and "are important for the natural relief they provide in an otherwise rather hostile man-made environment'.

The outcome of the tribunal is unlikely, however, to prevent any building on the field as the States Development and Planning Authority had earlier conceded that the field is not part of a wider area of wider landscape and was therefore suitable for development.

It does nevertheless imply that whatever may subsequently be allowed there has to retain the trees – and replace any that might die.

That, said Mr Fell, was important if the role of the site as an important landscape feature in this locality was to be maintained and enhanced.

"This is particularly important bearing in mind that the principle of residential development of the land is already established," he said.

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