Sun 04 Nov 2018
Picture specially taken for the Vale website by Douzenier Martyn Torode
A moving tribute to the war dead of the Vale has been paid to the 121 men who fell in combat and who are commemorated on the parish War Memorial.
Douzeniers yesterday completed setting out crosses for those lost in the First World War, each one bearing the name of one of the fallen.
The act of remembrance follows the parish publication of a special booklet (pictured below) providing details of the individuals whose sacrifice is marked on the parish War Memorial.
Senior Constable Richard Leale said: 'It is only right and proper that even after 100 years these people should not be forgotten. They paid the ultimate price by giving of their lives and we should indeed remember them, along with those whose names we do not know.'
In another tribute, wreaths of poppies marking the 100th anniversary of the Armistice have been placed on the parish War Memorial at the Route des Coutures-Vale Avenue junction. The idea came from Denise Cohu, who tends the monument on behalf of the douzaine.