
Rates arrears exceed £19,000 – get in touch if you haven't paid

Tue 18 Jul 2023

Nearly 100 parishioners have yet to pay their parish rates despite final reminders for these being sent out on 20 June. As a result, those who have still not cleared the amount risk facing recovery action unless they contact the Constables' office urgently.


The original rates bills were sent out on 24 April and anyone experiencing difficulties in clearing the invoice are asked to contact the office as soon as possible.

The total outstanding is £19,015.24 , which is made up of £11,167.32 unpaid rates and refuse arrears of £7,847.93, and the Douzaine has an obligation to ensure that what's due is paid.

The office can arrange to accept instalments, as long as the full amount is cleared by the end of the year, but can only do so if people get in touch to put the necessary schedule in place.

Taking parishioners to court for unpaid rates is always a last resort but paying them is a legal obligation and the douzaine has equally to ensure that those properly billed make their full contribution to the smooth running of the parish.

If you are experiencing difficulties, please get in touch as a matter of urgency. 

Telephone: 01481 244155, Monday - Friday 10.00 - 13.00

Or email: [email protected]

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