
Privacy notice

Vale Parish Privacy Notice – June 2024

Your privacy is important to us.

This notice (Privacy Notice) applies to personal information we collect from you, some of the links on this website may lead you to other websites and you should read those privacy notices carefully.

The Vale Parish takes its responsibilities regarding the management of the requirements of the Data Protection (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 2017 (as amended) or commonly known as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) very seriously.

For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, the Data Controller is:  
the Office of the Constables of the Vale,

The Constables Office is located at:
Maraitaine Road, Vale, Guernsey, GY3 5QE
Its opening hours are Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm,
Telephone Number +44 (0)1481 244155 or [email protected]

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) is Garry Collins and he can be contacted on +44 (0)7781 134321 or [email protected]

Information we may collect from you

We may collect and process the following information from you:

  • Information that you provide to us, for example when you fill out a contact or website form, or if you register to receive alerts, updates, or our newsletters

  • Information that we obtain or learn, such as information about the browser or device you use to access this website, how you use this website and the pages you visit, traffic and your location data

We may also ask you for information if you experience problems when using this website.

How we use your information

We will only use your information where we have your consent or we have another lawful reason for using it.  We use your personal information on the basis that it is within our legitimate interests in operating/maintaining the website and providing you with site functionality.

We use information provided or obtained via the website to:

  • respond to your queries and feedback (for example, if you have asked a question or submitted feedback via the website)

  • provide you with information you have requested or which we feel may interest you, unless you tell us otherwise

  • allows you to participate in any interactive features of the website

  • notify you about changes to the website

  • provide you with alerts or updates where you have consented to receive these by registering on the website

  • ensure the website content is presented in the most effective manner for the device you are accessing it from

  • undertake data analytics to learn more about how you and others interact with the website

  • detect and prevent misuse or abuse of this website

We also use information to meet our compliance obligations and comply with other laws and regulations and to share with regulators and other authorities.  This may include using it to help detect or prevent crime (including terrorism financing).

IP addresses

We may collect information about your computer (or mobile device) including, where available, your IP address, operating system, and browser type for system administration purposes.  This is statistical data about our users’ browsing actions and patterns and does not identify any individual.


We use cookies and similar technologies to distinguish you from other users of this website, to improve your experience when accessing this website, and to improve the website.

What are cookies? Cookies are small pieces of data that websites store on your browser when you visit them.  Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognise your visit and collect information about how you use the website.

How long we keep your information

The duration for which we retain your personal information will differ depending on the type of information and the reason why we collected it from you.

We retain information to comply with legal or regulatory requirements and may sometimes need to keep it for a long period, if we do not need to retain if for long, we delete, destroy, or anonymise it sooner.

How we keep your information secure

We use a range of measures to keep your information safe and secure, which may include encryption and other forms of security.  We require any third parties who carry out any work on our behalf to comply with appropriate standards to protect any information and appropriate measures for the use and transfer of information.

Your Rights

You have several rights in relation to the information that we hold about you:

  • the right to access information we hold about you and to obtain information about how we process it

  • the right to withdraw your consent to our processing of your information, which you can do at any time. We may continue to process your information if we have another legitimate reason for doing so

  • the right to request that we rectify your information it is inaccurate or incomplete

  • in some circumstances, the right to request that we erase your information. We may continue to retain your information if we are entitled to require to retain it

You can exercise your rights by contacting us using the details set out in the Contact Us Section below.  You also have a right to complain to the Office of Data Protection by www.odpa.gg or to the data protection regulator in the country where you live or work.

Contact Us
The Constables Office is located at;
Maraitaine Road, Vale, Guernsey, GY3 5QE
Its opening hours are Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm,
Telephone Number +44 (0)1481 244155 or [email protected]

This privacy policy was adopted in July 2012, updated in June 2022 and reviewed in June 2024.

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