Thu 06 Mar 2025
The States are organising special drop-in sessions at Edward T Wheadon House to help islanders and, if all else fails, you can still collect a paper returns form from the Vale Douzaine*.
Full details are in the downloads section at the foot of this page but for face-to-face help with registering your MyGov account or submitting your tax return online, you can drop in to Edward T Wheadon House from 8.45am to 4pm on the following Mondays:
10 March, 9 June, 8 September, 7 April, 7 July, 6 October, 12 May, 11 August, 20 October, 3 November and 17 November.
The deadline for 2024 tax returns is 30 November 2025.
Make sure your take your phone, tablet or laptop with you that you use to access your return if you use the service.
Because not everyone can make weekday sessions, the Revenue Service is also providing face-to-face help with registering online, understanding your tax return or assessment, general tax issues or just collecting a paper tax return. These will be held on Saturdays in the main reception of Sir Charles Frossard House from 8am to 2pm on the following Saturdays:
29 March, 7 June, 13 September and 1 November
The first opportunity to collect a paper tax return form will be at the following parish drop-ins which will take place from 9am to 4pm on:
• SATURDAY 26 APRIL at Vale Douzaine Room
• MONDAY 28 APRIL at St Saviour's Community Centre
• WEDNESDAY 30 APRIL at Castel Douzaine Room
For full details please see the leaflet in the downloads section below.
*From Tuesday 6 May you will be able to collect a paper return from: