

New waste regime begins - and this is what to put out

Mon 03 Sep 2018

Guernsey's new waste management regime started this week and many households will be starting to get used to the new system. Below is a handy guide for the Vale to this week's and the next three collections.

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September 2 – how your 'bin night' will change

Tue 28 Aug 2018

Guernsey’s new waste management regime comes into force from September 2 and will affect every household in the island and, of course, the Vale.

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Sixty parishioners face court for non-payment of rates

Thu 23 Aug 2018

Up to 60 Vale parishioners risk being taken to court for failing to pay their rates, the Senior Constable has warned. More than £10,000 is owed by them and the Douzaine will take all legal steps to recover this money, Richard Leale said.

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Douzaine wants more information on 'triangle' housing development

Mon 20 Aug 2018

Members of the Vale Douzaine have responded cautiously to proposals to build up to nine new homes on a small triangular section of land (pictured above) close to the entrance to Braye Road Industrial Estate.

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Halt on use of Vale quarries for inert waste welcomed by Constable

Sun 19 Aug 2018

A move by the States Policy and Resources Committee to stop £300,000 being spent investigating the possible use of L'Epine and Guillotin Quarries for dumping inert builders' waste has been welcomed by the Vale's Senior Constable.

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No quick decision on use of Vale quarries

Fri 17 Aug 2018

No quick decisions will be made on the possible use of two Vale quarries for inert waste storage, States Trading Assets deputy managing director Richard Evans told this website, in an interview last week.

It is expected that full environmental impact assessments will be carried out on the former L'Epine and Guillotin Quarries by consultants Royal Haskoning as well as the coastal reclamation site, Longue Hougue south.

That independent review, costing around £400,000, includes looking at traffic, habitat, public health, access, plus the physical location of the sites, and will inevitably take time. 'We expect this to take a full year and so anticipate taking a policy letter to the States towards the end of 2019,' Mr Evans said.

Longue Hougue
He was speaking to the Vale Parish website because of the level of parish interest in the proposals and because concerns had been expressed that Longue Hougue Quarry, which lies between Bulwer Avenue and St Sampson's, would be a better location for inert waste as it would eventually yield land in an already industrial setting.

'With regard to the potential for Longue Hougue quarry to be utilised for inert waste, I can confirm that this was considered on the long list of potential options but was rejected, following a rigorous process.  This quarry is currently a vital reservoir for water supply, as the single largest source of water supply in Guernsey.

'Les Vardes Quarry is not available as an option to immediately follow on from the existing facility and is currently allocated in the Island Development Plan and the Strategic Land Use Plan as a strategic allocation for water storage,' he said.

In response to questions, Mr Evans acknowledged that the situation was complicated because, 'on paper', reclaiming Longue Hougue Quarry appeared to make sense if it was as simple as swapping the water storage there for the potential storage at Les Vardes.

Separately, in a statement [below] Guernsey Water has responded to concerns that a 'leak' in Longue Hougue means sea water is entering the reservoir (it can, but is managed).

Mr Evans explained that Guernsey has a pressing need for storage for inert waste – although it actually has value – because it is currently producing about 58,000 tonnes a year, which is down from historic highs.

Les Vardes is currently being quarried by Ronez, so an early departure would mean it leaving behind extractable granite, which had economic value to the company which it would no doubt be reluctant to give away.

In addition, preparing Les Vardes for use as a reservoir and linking it to the island's existing water transfer system was a multi-million pound project that would need to be planned, funded and completed before any new reservoir could come on-line.

He added that Guernsey Water was also working on a water resource and drought management plan aimed at securing the island's water supply in the long term and taking into account the effects of climate change, so talk of releasing Longue Hougue Quarry now was premature.

Seawater situation
Asked whether Longue Hougue does in fact experience sea water leaking into it, Guernsey Water released the following statement:

'We have had a geological survey done on Longue Hougue reservoir and at one end there is a small fracture that can allow seawater ingress into the quarry. However, this is managed by keeping the reservoir as full as possible so that the top pressure stops ingress happening.

'The reservoir has destratification [this is the mixing of air through the water levels of the reservoir], to make sure we do not get any thermoclines [layers of water at different temperatures] in the reservoir and that the water is well mixed.

'We analyse for chloride regularly and our analysis shows that there is no ingress that would cause an issue with the raw water being used for drinking water.  Its levels are no higher than other stored waters we use across the island.'

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Happy couple have a real 'field day'

Thu 16 Aug 2018

We were delighted the other weekend to play host to a young couple who celebrated their wedding with a reception under canvass in the field behind the Vale Douzaine Rooms.

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Lowering speed limits down to 'too much development', says former Vale Douzenier

Wed 15 Aug 2018

With debate continuing on Environment and Infrastructure's proposed speed limit changes on 80 island roads, many in the north of the island, a former Vale Douzenier has written to the committee with her views on the subject.

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Douzaine voices concern about quarry use for inert waste

Thu 09 Aug 2018

Members of the Vale Douzaine have expressed concern over the proposed use of two former quarries in the parish for receiving inert waste from builders and contractors.

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States should decide on speed limits, says Vale's Deputy Lowe

Mon 06 Aug 2018

Wide-ranging recommendations to reduce speed limits in the north of the island are so significant that they ought to be considered by the States as a whole, says the Vale's most senior deputy.

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