

Parishioners thanked for paying rates on time – mostly!

Tue 06 Jun 2023

Vale Senior Constable Richard Leale has thanked more than 4,000 parishioners who have paid their parish rates before the deadline.

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Hedge and streams inspections to start soon, parishioners reminded

Sun 04 Jun 2023

Parishioners are being reminded that the summer inspection of hedges and streams will begin later this month as the deadline for cutting/cleaning is the 15th. Douzeniers will be out immediately after that day as there's no period of grace permitted by law.

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Wildflowers bloom under new cemetery management plan

Mon 15 May 2023

Plans by the new Vale Cemetery Committee to manage the large site in a more biodiverse manner appear to be paying off, committee president Denise Cohu has said.

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Vale's Liberation Day tea party a great success

Fri 12 May 2023

A special tea party organised by the Vale Douzaine to help celebrate Liberation Day 2023 has been hailed a great success.

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Moorings reminder for Vale boaters

Sun 16 Apr 2023

Boat owners who are registered to use the Grande Havre and Bordeaux areas have been reminded to get their moorings shipshape for the season – and the deadline to do so is the end of this month.

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Cumulative effect of building in north previously not taken into account, Environment confirms

Wed 05 Apr 2023

Not enough consideration has historically been given to the cumulative impacts of development in the island for infrastructure like roads, drainage and schools, the president of Environment and Infrastructure has confirmed in a wide-ranging conversation with Senior Constable Richard Leale – but she says it is a central focus now in the north of the island, given all the proposed development there.

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Please be responsible dog owners...

Tue 04 Apr 2023

Dog walkers in the Vale are being urged to be responsible when it comes to clearing up after their pets. The reminder follows bags of waste being left in the amenity field behind the Douzaine Room in Rue Maraitaine, which the parish is now having to spend ratepayer funds on to have removed and disposed of properly.

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Island-wide voting has made deputies less accountable, say Constables and Douzeniers

Wed 29 Mar 2023

Guernsey adopting island-wide voting has not improved the quality of candidates standing for election as deputies and has broken an important and valuable link between parish and the States in the view of douzeniers, Vale Senior Constable Richard Leale has told Scrutiny Management Committee (SMC) president Yvonne Burford.

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Vale field saved from development thanks to widow's gift

Thu 23 Mar 2023

A field in the Vale has been saved from development thanks to the generosity of a resident who has donated it to the National Trust in memory of her late husband.

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Vale is tops for biodiversity sites, report finds

Mon 13 Mar 2023

Seven new areas of biodiversity importance have been identified in the north of the island and are among a total of 56 sites which planners are assessing for designation. The top two are the old Bordeaux Quarry landfill site and Creve Coeur at Chouet, which was also formerly used as a rubbish tip.

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Showing records 71 to 80 of 467.
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