

Unpaid rates: 90 facing court summons

Wed 21 Jul 2021

Up to 90 Vale residents face receiving a court summons to recover unpaid parish rates, the Constables' Office warned today. This "last resort" is necessary because the Douzaine has an obligation to pursue outstanding debts so those who have paid aren't disadvantaged.

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Lack of planning 'damaging north of island'

Mon 19 Jul 2021

A long term failure by government to plan adequately for essential infrastructure in the north of the island is putting the community at risk of economic and environmental harm, a report by St Sampson's Douzaine says.

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Demand for allotments leads to waiting list

Wed 14 Jul 2021

Demand for allotments, which was kindled by lockdown and the Covid-19 restrictions, has continued unabated, according to the new owner of La Haute Lande Vinery, which provides growing plots in the parish.

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Kayak centre plans at Les Amarreurs risks parking chaos, planners warned

Sun 11 Jul 2021

A planning application to remove scarce parking at Les Amarreurs to facilitate a kayak and paddleboard business are worrying the Vale authorities and fishermen who use the area.

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It's open!

Thu 08 Jul 2021

Yes, after weeks of delay caused by Covid, bad weather and literally waiting for the grass to grow, the new children's roundabout at Les Amarreurs playground is finally available for use.

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More than 600 slow rate-payers face financial penalty – and court

Thu 17 Jun 2021

More than 600 parishioners risk a financial penalty and ultimately being taken to court as they have not yet paid their parochial rates, the Constables' office has warned.

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Vale dolmen excavations planned

Wed 16 Jun 2021

La Varde dolmen on L'Ancresse Common is set to be excavated if planners give permission to Guernsey Museums for two trenches to be dug outside the Neolithic passage grave.

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Rousse Pier to be repaired

Mon 14 Jun 2021

A trip hazard for swimmers and others using Rousse Pier is to be filled and repaired, the States' Agriculture, Countryside and Land Management Services has confirmed, after the problem was drawn to its attention.

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Deadline looming for hedge and streams inspections

Sat 12 Jun 2021

A quick reminder that the Constables and Douzeniers will be starting their hedge and streams inspections next week after the official deadline of June 15 has expired. Those not cleaned or cut in accordance with the relevant legislation have to be reported for further action.

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Are you looking for an allotment?

Fri 04 Jun 2021

Are you interested in getting an allotment or taking up gardening? If so, Deputy Sasha Kazantseva-Miller would like to hear from you as she is trying to gauge the level of demand in the island.

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Showing records 181 to 190 of 467.
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