

190 face court action over rates arrears

Thu 17 Sep 2020

Nearly 200 parishioners face fines and being taken to Petty Debts Court over unpaid parish rates, the office warned today. A total of 190 bills remain outstanding despite reminders being posted out three weeks ago and the Douzaine has an obligation to collect the money owed for providing parish services.

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Deadline looming for streams and hedges

Mon 14 Sep 2020

Parishioners with hedges and/or streams on their property are reminded that the legal deadline for cutting them back and cleaning douits is fast approaching.

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Wanted: volunteers to help with the General Election

Thu 03 Sep 2020

An appeal has been made by the Vale Douzaine for public spirited parishioners who would like to play a role in the island's first island-wide general election for People's Deputies.

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Last chance to register to vote...

Fri 21 Aug 2020

For any Vale residents thinking of voting in the forthcoming and first island-wide general election of deputies, today is your last chance to register in order to do so.

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Public art and 'lifetime homes' planned for Triangle Field

Fri 21 Aug 2020

Public art incorporating the Vale parish crest and two "lifetime" homes have been proposed in the revised development plans for the so-called Triangle Field opposite the entrance to Alliance.

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Parish rates: deadline for payment is close

Mon 17 Aug 2020

Householders in the Vale are being reminded that they have until August 22 to pay their parish rates or else face possible court action to recover the money.

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Vale Church beach service tonight

Sun 16 Aug 2020

A quick reminder that the Vale Church's Beach Service has been rearranged for this evening with with the Salvation Army and Methodist Churches. It will be held at  5.00pm at Grande Havre and will take the form of a Songs of Praise. Should it be wet the congregations will meet at the Salvation Army instead.

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More joined up approach to traffic promised by Planners

Thu 13 Aug 2020

A more holistic and joined up approach to traffic matters in the North of the island has been promised following a meeting between the Vale's Senior Constable and Development and Planning Authority (DPA) President Dawn Tindall.

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Support gathers for holistic approach to North's traffic issues

Tue 04 Aug 2020

There has been a positive reaction to calls by the Vale Douzaine for a joined up approach to be taken to traffic issues in the North of the island. The plea for a holistic view by planners has now been picked up by the island's media.

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Holistic approach to traffic needed for the North, says Douzaine

Sun 02 Aug 2020

A proper traffic impact assessment for the North of the island should be carried out before there is any more housing development in the Vale or St Sampson's, Vale Douzeniers concluded at a recent meeting.

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